Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Check out this blog!  We need to start thinking about going Green!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Weigh In

Weighing one self is a tricky thing to (want to) do.  I use too never get on a scale, because who enjoys that minute of fun (and day of fretting over said poundage)?  I even wrote a little part in a short film that I have coming out this year about getting on that dreadful thing.  However, the reality we face is you need to know your weight if you’re going to LOSE weight.  How else can you judge if you’re actually doing what is needed.  Sure a few belt buckles can give you a clue, however the bottom-line is that could have been water weight. 

I read a long time ago that those who get on the scale 2 to 3 times a week actually lose weight better.  They are able to see the ups and down.  So for the last three (painful) weeks I’ve gotten on the (Devil) scale almost every single (hellish) day.  Sometimes several times a day at different times just so I’ve grasped the best time to weigh in, which seems to be the morning time for me (this might vary depending on your sleep and work schedule).  I’m sure this isn’t news to most of you, but knowing is half the battle (G.I. Joe!).

My weight usually varies about 5 pounds going up or down.  So don’t freak out if you get on one day and the next you’re above, there are a lot of factors that weigh in (ha ha) into it.   I know how hard it is to get on the (monster) scale, but it does help me think about the things I’m doing, if they are working or not.  Right now I’ve been stable, I’ve lost about 4 pounds, which is another point.  Don’t give up!  It’s so easy to get frustrated with how slowly things go, but to really fully overall the way you do things it will take time (whole lotta precious time, according to George Harrison, to do it right child).   This is why we give up, because we live in a NOW society.  Everything must be instant texts, im’s, emails, meals, and workouts…. That is how it is for us compared to 20 years ago.  We’ve lost the art of slowing down and fully appreciating how we work, eat, our body and mind.  I’ve learned a lot about my mind, now it’s time to get the body to sync correctly with it.  You can too!

So here are some new tips of mine to keep in mind:

Portion Control – Not sure how to measure the right amount of spaghetti for yourself?  Before tossing it in the pot (with some kosher salt, this will actually CUT down on your salt intake if you salt things properly), take your pointing finger and thumb and make a circle (about the size of a nickel), place the spaghetti between there and now you have the correct portion size.  If you’re REALLY hungry, a quarter size is roughly 2 servings. 

If you live by yourself work on using measurements too only cook a serving size meal for 2.  This way you can box half of it for lunch tomorrow and stay within the goal you want.

Roast your veggies is a great wait to try something different.  Plus, you can cut up the rest for veggies during the week to taste in pasta salad or for a side dish.  Put your oven to 400 degrees.  Use kosher salt and pepper and a little bit of olive oil (I use extra virgin).   Cut up your veggies (I normally just slice them in half) and put salt and pepper on it along with a little bit of oil.  Put in the oven for about 5-10 minutes and then turn.  The less time you let them cook, the firmer they will be.  


Hulu Plus does have some nice work outs too offer and are also very challenging, however so does youtube.  Try out, who are also on youtube as well.  They really do some interesting workouts (even in a chair), but they do focus for working out at home.   Plus, she doesn’t have an annoying voice like some of the others do; she really wants you to find your rhythm, which is very important.

If you need to get some energy going, there is a good yoga work out from Hulu by Gaiam in their yoga section.  It’s called Energize and I do this as my warm up.  To be warned though you may experience some dizziness with the first few routines, but it gets better after you learn the breathing. 

Well those are the tips for this week.   Stay positive!

Till Another,

Saturday, February 11, 2012

In the land of Fruits and Veggies…

I am not sure when we became such a grain and meat society, but I feel that this is something that has been sorely lacking in my life.   I recently read an article (well two) about how eating canned food can raise weight due the BPA levels.  I have always eaten canned veggies, every since we were kids.  I think, and this is slightly tied into another article I read: 

Now, my parents always made sure that we ate well, however we did eat canned veggies more than we ate fresh veggies or frozen, it just never tasted right.  And yes it’s been proven that eating fresh or frozen food is more healthy than canned food due to the salt in take (though several cans now have no salt added to them).   This is what makes losing weight a struggle, all the things out there that say ‘do this or wait no do that,’ it can be overwhelming.   However, I’ve decided to try and stay away from canned vegetables and see if that helps.  So this month, I’m clearing out the canned food (expect for tomatoes, I hate, hate cutting tomatoes) and making room for fresh and frozen veggies. 

This will be a challenge since the cost goes up more, but if it helps with weight lose and eating better, I’m down for it.  Thankfully I live in Cali where they may have a million burger joints but have lots of farmers markets and cool places to get stuff that’s fresh. 

As I mentioned before I’m working on portion control, trying to at least.  I’ve been doing a little bit of research on it and found this very interesting:

There tons more out there like this and once I’ve complied a list that makes sense, I’ll make sure to send the websites your way.  But it’s a good way to start getting your head into the game in how to cut back.   Smaller plates and eating at the dinner table has been a huge thing offered, but I feel kind of silly eating at my table by myself.   I can’t watch the Daily Show that far away!  So, maybe it’s time to start looking at my dishes and find the ones that are super big and maybe put those on a higher shelf and bring the smaller plates down instead. 

On the rant note of this… this serious overhaul of how I eat, and what I eat wasn’t nearly that big of an issue when I was a kid.  I do believe a lot of it steamed from the fact my father was the cook in the family and he made sure we ate right.  Plus, I did sports as a kid.  I know, I know hard to imagine but I was very talented in volleyball and basketball, but due to our schools rules, I was not allowed to play after grade school.  I should have kept it going and fought more for it, but when you’re a kid it’s hard to stand up to adults who seem to take a pleasure out of beating your spirit out of you.   It goes to show you, never give up at any age. 

As for the work out, I’m cooling slightly on the Yoga (I can only do so many poses before it becomes a clown show) and starting to focus a little more on cardio.   Cardio seems to work well with some of the Pilates as well so I’ll be mixing those up.  

If you’re looking for a decent warm up I am digging her stuff: 

She talks way too much for my taste, but some of those moves are good for someone whose body is a little bigger.   

Next time will be about weighing in, something we all look so forward too!

Till Another,
Ne in Hollywood

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Working it out in the land of Eternal Sunshine...

I realize I haven’t written in a while (to my handful of friends who follow this) and decided I needed to.  I use to write on a daily base in a diary, but sometimes my life becomes work, sleep, work, sleep, repeat and rinse that I often lose sight of it.

However, as I’m in a little down time from the insanity that is working in the ‘biz,’ I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting about myself.  The last three years (it’s almost been 6!) out here has been nothing short but reexamining my life, the direction it’s going, and the person I want to become.  You would think, after going and getting a masters degree, a person would have an idea and direction they are going.  Yeah, I did, and then I made a film that pretty much made me see that while I was doing everything that I wanted to for the ‘planned’ type life, I was emotionally unprepared for all of it because I had not dealt with some personal matters in my life. 

So, why the sudden surge to write again?  Because now that emotionally I’m getting where a normal person should be (only took 20 some years), physically I’m not happy with the outer appearance.  I had spent a whole year back before I dated the ‘big ex’ and lost about 75 pounds.  Guess what I got back, not the ex.  I’m tired of this yo-yoing of weight and the only person who has that control is me!  Plus, I live in the land of skinny girls; I won’t get a job, sadly, if the outer appearance is not up to code.  It sucks to say, but true out here. 

The day after my birthday (with some rest for recovery), I sent out some new goals for myself.  I had already been working towards some of them already, but I’m going to put the list out there for all to read (yes all 3 of you). 

1.     Get sugars under control. 
2.     When eating out, eat better food (this is helpful due to Cali now showing you the calorie count on the menus for a lot of things).
3.     Cut back on caffeine (this will be tough when working on set)
4.     Cook more (Very easy to do when your poor!)
5.     Portion/Serving size control. 
6.     Workout.
7.     Cut back on soda (this one isn’t hard since I drink maybe 2 or 3 glasses a month, and I prefer to the taste of water over soda).  
8.     Go the doctor more to help monitor this all.

I’m sure there are more, but those are the ones I’m focusing on at the current moment.  And since I’m poor, I’m seeing if the web can truly help in this area of learning how to lose weight (hey if it can help people watch porn, it’s got to help people lose weight right?). 

Now, here is what I’ve been working on so far.  I’ve replaced my blood sugar monitor and have been using that to get control of the sugars.  I’ve only spiked a few times, but have dropped too low more than once.  It’s still a learning game for me with the insulin and the sugars, but I’ll figure it out.  I’m getting better at taking my meds BEFORE I eat.   This is KEY of course to controlling ones sugars.  In truth, if I can get it under control, I won’t need them (per my doctor), so that’s what I want, I want OFF the meds. 

Working out, I’ve started doing yoga and Pilates, badly, but I’ve been doing them almost every day.  Each day I try and add another 5 minutes (or work harder in the time I’ve carved out) to my routine and will hopefully build by the end of this month to a full hour of working out.  I’ll be changing it up and this weekend going to buy some weights since Pilates really like to use them for their routines.   As I mentioned before I said I wanted to use the web and for this I’ve found a ton of yoga and Pilates websites on, I have the plus and use my Sony streaming device so I can watch it on my TV.  So far I’ve done about a 7-8 minute warm up with about 10-15 minutes of doing the yoga or Pilate moves with a 5 minute cool down.  The kitties are quite freaked out by watching me do this, but I work up a sweat and can feel my heart going and I think that’s the point.  I’m going to be doing walking next week since I live so close to a bike path (this will not happen as often depending on job and hours). 

As of today, this is what I’ve been tackling.  I’m currently working on figuring out serving/portion control sizes and will be marking those websites out for anyone who wishes to learn with me.  The important part is having the support and as my cousin Sarah informed me the other day ‘if you don’t do it one day, do it the next day.  It’s really a day by day process.”  I couldn’t agree more with her!

Till Another,
Ne in Hollywood…